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The Little Bridge Early Childhood program is carefully planned in order to meet the child’s need for fun and excitement, while at the same time providing learning opportunities for physical, cognitive, emotional and social growth. Each section of our program has a purpose, and all are helpful in a child’s development. The main focus of the programming will be to follow the child’s lead. The environment, seasons and surroundings will also be taken as inspiration towards the program development.

Mindful Moment

Mindful moment is an important component of our program. The idea is to be completely in the moment by calming the body, and to collect ourselves before we begin our day. We will take a moment to catch up with ourselves and our senses by breathing deeply for a few seconds until the sound of our bell fades off.

Free Play (Social Emotional Development)

This is the time when children make a choice of their play area. They can choose between pretend play, drama, building blocks, table toys, a library corner, arts and crafts, sensory activities, and many more. Each of these areas is thoughtfully set up in an aesthetically pleasing manner, both to meet a child’s developmental needs and to promote their abilities. Often an educator will follow up with them on their activity, or help them with their work and provide positive guidance. Free Play takes place in an aesthetically pleasing environment that provides exploration and creativity. Play time is at the core of any children’s program; it provides opportunities for peer interaction, socialization, shared understanding, respecting limits, playing together, and at the same time, learning through play.

Clean Up (Being Responsible)

This is the time when children will clean up their play area and help their friends clean up as well. A five minute clean-up reminder will be given so that the children know what is expected in a few minutes. This activity helps children to interpret information and act on it. It also teaches them the importance of being responsible and cleaning up after themselves.

Circle Time / Group Time (Participation)

This is the time when the children sit together in a circle on the carpeted area. We’ll begin with a greeting song, and then talk about the weather, allow children to share a story (if they want to), and then lead into our discussions, stories, movement songs, games, etc. This time is meant to enhance your child’s thinking, listening and talking abilities as they interpret words and make sense of the world around them. Circle Time is also a great way of introducing new concepts and ideas while learning in a group.

Show and Tell (Leadership)

This is an opportunity for your child to bring something special from home, and to show and talk about it to their peers. This promotes self-esteem and a sense of belonging, and helps children learn to express their thoughts with a closely associated object.

Snack Time (Health and Well-being)

Snack Time is when the children sit together in groups and eat their snacks; it’s also a great time for socialization, as children talk about various things while enjoying their food. The educator also sits with the children during Snack Time to provide a good role model and to facilitate group conversation about health and well being.

Physical Education (Outdoor / Indoor / Yoga / Music Movement)

This is the time when children will enjoy different forms of physical engagements in the form of indoor and outdoor play, music, movement and yoga. An educator will always be supervising when we’re playing in the park, walking through the neighbourhood, or having fun on the playground. (A first aid kit will always be on hand on outdoor excursions in case of emergency.) While participating in activities, children learn to play and have fun together, learn to solve problems, and learn to share and respect each other’s feelings. Physical fitness is an important part of a child’s growth and development, and it promotes and enhances their physical, intellectual and spatial abilities.

Arts and Crafts (Creativity / Imagination)

The Little Bridge will have an open ended arts and craft table, where the children are free to explore and enhance their creativity. There is no right or wrong way to do it, and we offer material, supplies and support to the children when they create their art. In addition to open ended art, there will be days when we will provide structured art as well; this enhances a child’s imagination and creativity. It is important to understand that “it is the process, and not the product, that is important.”

Each component of our program is flexible and will be suited best to our children’s need.